Friday, December 12, 2014

How to create a creative commercial or ad for your business

It's pointless to ask imaginative individuals where they get their thoughts and generally really cool ideas from. You are assuming, however, that these creative people KNOW where the flood of strange genius comes from. I bet if you asked, 80% would reply that they "were born this way" or "it just comes to them". However there are things that can be learned from certain methods, situations and procedures that have worked for them, this is where we need to pay attention.

Let us first take a look at the inspirational aspect of creativity. Where is it coming from? Many have claimed that it is the young children who have the most to offer us. The innocence and general ignorance to the outside world allows the most imaginative "play" to work. We can not go back to being a child, but we can tap into a child like wonder. Think simple, non conceptual with very basic ideas and tools.

Conducting your mind and thought process in the same way that youngsters play can be more difficult than you think.  Block out outside static, focus on the product and begin to brain storm like a child. Ask yourself some basic questions about the product you are advertising:

What does it look like?
How does it feel when you touch it?
How do you feel when you think about it? What would you do with it?

Let's use a car as an example:
You are a car dealership looking to create a commercial production for the latest model that is about to roll out. The business aspect would focus on the price, features, colors, gas mileage... bla bla bla. But let's think about the most popular car commercials out there, the memorable ones are NOT all business. They are silly, child like, humorous at times and they have the ability to tap raw emotion in 30-60 seconds.

How exactly do you go about taking the first step in reaching your inner child? 

Step 1: Go outside and play. Go to a playground and hop on a swing. Go to a batting cage and hit a few balls. Play tag with the kids or maybe hide and go seek. What did you do when you were a child? Go do that.

Step 2: Pull out the plugs. No phones, no computer and no wifi. Literally unplug the television and radio and shut down your phone. It's just you and your creative team (if you have one).

Step 3: Leave the work space. If you are accustomed to working in a certain office, space or room, do not go in there. You are attempting to leave behind the present, so do not surround yourself in the same place.

Step 4: Color and draw. Your tools are paper, crayons, markers and paint. Think of some of the happiest times in your life and just let your creativity flow.

Creativity is often killed by over thinking things, try to keep your delivery simple and relevant. Pull from some of the best creative minds in the industry by sampling some local and corporate commercials from an established commercial production company. Click here to view to some of the best local TV spots in the industry.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

4 of the Strangest "As Seen on TV" gifts you could give this holiday season

The commercial production studios that had to shoot video for these products were more than likely laughing hysterically. Let's take a peek at the oddity of these "must have" products offered by the "AS SEEN ON TV" giants.

Yup, you read that right, it is a device that allows you to record a message, ON YOUR TOILET PAPER ROLL. This is the one who takes the lead as the most bizarre, however also comes in first for most entertaining. As you pull on the toilet paper to use it, you hear a pre-recorded message. Curious, what are people recording?

Sick and tired of using a peeler to peel the potatoes? These "mitts" gently remove the thin layer of skin allowing mashing potatoes to be a "cinch" (or so the company claims). These waterproof fashion accessories are a must have for the "on the go mom" who is looking to peel in a hurry!

Hey, look over here! Oh, it's too far to see? Don't fret the Zoomies are here! Applying these binoculars with strange arms that hook around your ears are strange to look at, but they sure come in handy. These neat frames come tinted so your eyes are protected.

Dieting doesn't have to be a chore, especially if you have the Fat Magnet. This commercial production features a device that can be waved over food as the fat gravitates to it. The instructions are to freeze it and then skim the surface of your food and the fat disappears.

To view some other funny and clever commercials or TV spots, click here...but do not forget to share with your friends! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How do tv commercials get attention?

What makes a commercial interesting? Why would someone watch or listen to your radio clip? Take a look at the top viewed car ads from youtube. Brainstorm as you look at what these automotive ads.
 All different styles and methods work, what's your "niche"?

 Views: 60,673,591
-we can relate
-it's "cute"
-the average all-american family
-easy to follow storyline

·         World's Funniest Car TV Commercials                                  
   Views: 3,286,903
-thought provoking

Views: 3,191,702

·         New 2010 Kia Soul Hamster Commercial - Music Fort Knox by GoldFish

      Views: 2,315,541
-use of animals doing "people things"
- family friendly

-heart warming
-invokes emotion
- easy to relate to

To locate a coupon for one of  the best tv commercial production companies, click here

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Branding Your Business With Audio Production

Audio branding refers to the specific sounds, music or jingle associated with a company or product. In the spirit of this topic, let’s address the earworm. What exactly is this hideous term? The earworm is the song that plays in a loop (in your mind) long after the song is over.  When it comes to business, this could come in the form of  a voice spot, a song or even just a melody or "hum".

Let’s experiment, what happens when I say the following words:

Most of those who were tested responded in the following ways:
Response: is on your siiiiide 
Ricola: EVERY SINGLE PERSON said Riiiiiiicoooooolaaaaaaa
Farmers: many sang "we are farmers...bumbuttump bum bum bum bum "

This is essentially branding a company with sound. So, in the spirit of audio branding, let’s review the top 10 songs that have stood the test of time and have possibly made its way into your ear for the rest of the day (earworm):

1.       We Will Rock You : Queen
2.       The Addams Family: TV Theme Song
3.       Tequila: The Champs
4.       Born in the U.S.A: Bruce Springsteen
5.       Oh, Pretty Woman: Roy Orbison
6.       Walking on Sunshine: Katrina & The Waves
7.       Roxanne: The Police
8.       Brown Eyed Girl: Van Morrison
9.       Don’t Stop Believin’: Journey
10.   We Built This City: Starship

When it comes to audio production for businesses, it is imperative that the branding of your company be handled by a professional team. To learn more or to listen to some sampling tv and radio spots from a professional a/v production company, check out this site.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Voice Over Talent Production- TV and Radio

One of the things that many people do not really sit down and think about is: Voice Talent. It is absolutely incredible the number of marketing and advertising commercials that have voice overs attached. 

What is an actual voiceover and how does it work?

Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radiotelevision productionfilmmakingtheatre, or other presentations.[1] The voice-over may be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the production or by a specialist voice actor. It is pre-recorded and placed over the top of a film or video and commonly used in documentaries or news reports to explain information. (reference found on Wikipedia)

In many instances, these talented professionals that are looking to be in feature films and "make it big", are represented and in an acting union of some sort. Traditionally these are not the people you would be looking for to speak in a local ad or spot. However, non union professionals are everywhere and working in studios across the country. Many of these hidden diamonds are the voices behind radio and televisions commercials and ads that we hear everyday. Without us knowing it, these people are in our cars, our bedrooms and our living rooms every single day (not literally, of course).
If you feel like you have what it takes to record yourself for a living, then you owe it to yourself to contact an audio video production company to inquire about it. 

A great resource for more information or to listen to a sampling of different speaking styles and techniques, click here.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Slaying Creativity By Stepping Back In Time: Marketing Then and Now

Creating radio and television spots for the automotive market has produced some of the most creative and interesting commercials in the industry. Whether you are looking for dramatic, funny or an informative clip, there is one thing the automakers and dealerships want: Results.
We live in a society that requires a creative edge to capture the attention of an audience. With technological advances and stimulating lights, sounds and diversions, one thing remains the same, thought provoking spots work.
Take a look at this ad:

 Interesting, isn't it? Here is a little of the back story:
In the 1950’s, Avis was struggling. The company was running in the red for quite some time and there was no end in sight. In the early 1960’s a new president for Avis, Robert C. Townsend, was determined to hire DDB to breathe life back into the company. During that time, DDB was known to produce forward thinking ads with a creative and bold edge.  Mr. Townsend took a chance and hired them, thinking that things could not possibly get any worse.
 After Townsend approached and consulted with the production company, an unexpected suggestion was made: Avis was advised that the theme behind their new campaign would be to “make good advertising for a bad product”.
Naturally this suggestion seems absurd and certainly not something you would see today. The art director began to dig deep and interview Avis employees from top to bottom. Throughout the interview process the same answer was replied when asked “why would anyone rent a car from Avis?” the general answer was “we try harder because we have to”. And with that, a marketing campaign was born. Within a year, Avis went from 3+ million dollars in the red to over a million dollars in profit.
This is the power of creative marketing and Propulsion shares in this enthusiasm. 
Our team is ready to drive sales right to your dealership and we have the tools, experience and drive to get it done. Pro Media Labs is a full production studio comprised of voice over talent, editing, sound effects, television commercial production and talented producers. Browse through the extensive library of audio and video productions to get a feel for the expansive selection offered by our experienced team.

When your Automotive Dealership books with these energetic professionals, you can come to expect:

  • Creative, customized, and promotional automotive advertising
  • State of the art footage, digital still shots, and various electronic benefits.
  • Signature voiceover voice talent or on-camera spokespeople, male and female
  • Highly skilled HD camera crew experienced In shooting on-site imagery of your lot, showroom or inventory. VIP access to Propulsions Green Room if you prefer to shoot a studio production
  • Technically trained personnel who have extensive experience with dealerships and automotive advertising.